2014年3月25日 星期二

Satish Kumar 與反服貿學運

Satish Kumar 的另一個簡介

Satish Kumar

名列世界百大精神領袖的 Satish Kumar,今年已經77歲,他的前半生在印度度過,後半生則居住在英國。他早年為了反核武而徒步8000英哩,被稱為 Peace Walk,後來在倫敦創辦了Schumacher學院,並且身體力行地務農。近年則提倡 "Soil、Soul、Society" 做為當代社會改革的概念。

Satish Kumar 出生在印度一個耆拿教家庭,九歲時堅持成為耆拿教僧侶,即使對具有虔誠信仰的印度人來說,這都是非常小的年紀。十年後 Satish 無意中被甘地的書所啟發,於是又決心離開耆拿教僧團。離開耆拿教僧團後,他接著來到菩提伽耶(Bodh Gaya)的一個修行團體,這個修行團體的精神領袖是 Vinoba Bhave,Vinoba 參與了甘地領導的印度獨立運動,也是甘地「非暴力運動」思想的直接承襲者,於是 Satish 在這裡學習了甘地的思想,包括非暴力抵抗和其他生活準則。

在25歲時,Satish Kumar 已經是一個報紙的責任編輯。某一天他在報紙上讀到英國著名哲學家伯蘭特‧羅素(Bertrand Russell)因為和平反核武運動而被逮捕入獄的消息,他跟朋友說,一個 90歲的老人為了和平而入獄,那我們還在這裡做什麼?

於是他和朋友一起計畫了一個和平步行,並接受 Vinoba 的建議,不帶任何錢和食物就出發。他們從印度德里甘地的紀念銅像下出發,經過巴基斯坦、阿富汗、伊朗,七個月後進入當時的獨立國協,然後路經亞塞拜然、亞美尼亞、喬治亞來到黑海,在這裡他們遇見兩位婦女,其中一位婦女送了四包茶,並要求送給每一位核武的國家領導者一個茶包,請他們在按下按鈕前,先停下來泡一包茶。


離開法國後他們前往英國,在那裡他們也見到啟發這趟旅程的哲學家伯蘭特‧羅素,羅素贊助他們飛往美國的機票。最後,他們來到美國,並在美國總統甘迺迪的墳墓前結束旅程。在美國時,Satish Kumar也受邀見到美國黑人民權運動領域馬丁路德牧師,並且,他也親身見證了當時正在發生的民權運動現場,並直接強烈感受到當時黑人所受到的歧視。


Satish Kumar 從和平步行回到印度之後,又擔任了一陣子編輯工作,然後他接受邀請放下所有工作就突然前往義大利。Satish Kumar 在 1967 年 11 月來到義大利,正好迎來 1968 年的學生運動,也因此,在以和平步行反對核武之後,Satish Kumar 又親身見證了六零年代在歐洲各地發生的學生運動。在歐洲待了超過一年後,他決定和朋友一起,開了 80 天車從英國回到印度。

才剛剛回到印度,他隨即又參與了印度的非暴力和土地改革運動,這些運動的領導者之一就是 Vinoba。也因此,他同時短時間內同時經歷了在西方先進國家展開的學生運動和印度為了土地改革開展的農業運動。

幾年後 Satish Kumar 因為種種機緣又從印度來到英國,並因著名經濟學家 E. F. Schumacher 的邀請而長期待在英國,並擔任 Resurgence & Ecologist 雜誌的主編,一直到現在。Satish Kumar在英國的日子恰好讓他將焦點轉移到當代社會面臨的環境問題。他先創立了小小學校,提倡全人教育,1992年,Satish Kumar 又和其他人一起創辦了 Schumacher 學院,並擔任創院校長,這間學校取名自倡議「小即是美」的經濟學家 E. F. Schumacher,強調人與自然、生態與經濟,科學與信仰,看似相似,實為一體,也因此,Schumacher 學院以小而美的永續科學,贏得全球關注。

十年前Satish Kumar在他的自傳 No Destination 中提及甘地對於他的重要影響,也闡述了甘地的十一條原則。去年他出版新書 Soil Soul Society: A New Trinity for Our Time,倡議永續社會的概念,認為人類都是大地社會的一員,心靈與大地的照顧是一體的;個人是自然的一部分,怎樣對待自然,自然就怎樣對待我們。

2014年3月14日 星期五

No Destination:Satish Kumar 的自傳簡介

Satish Kumar 的自傳名為 No Destination: Autobiography of an Earth Pilgrim
透過書籍的目錄,可以先一窺 Satish Kumar 的基本歷程。

第一章 Mother

描述 Satish Kumar 幼年時期的生活,包括他如何在九歲時成為耆那教(Jainism)僧侶。

第二章  Guru

描述 Satish Kumar 成為耆那教僧侶之後的學習和生活,一直到十八歲逃離耆那教僧團為止。

第三章  Ashram

離開耆那教僧團後,短暫回到生長的家中,Satish Kumar 又再離開前往菩提伽耶(Bodh Gaya)的一個修行團體,這個修行團體的精神領袖是 Vinoba。這個章節描述了整個歷程。

第四章  Benares

Satish Kumar 因故被迫離開菩提伽耶的修行團體,他接著前往 Benares 這個城市。在這裡他成為新聞編輯,也和第一任妻子結婚。這個章節描述了 Satish Kumar 在這個城市裡的經歷。

第五章  Wanderer

這個章節描述了 Satish Kumar 和平步行的緣由和過程。

第六章  Escape

這個短短四頁的章節,描述了 Satish Kumar 從和平步行回到印度之後的心境,以及和第一任妻子之間逐漸破裂的關係。最終,他選擇再一次逃離,如同逃離僧團那樣。他接受邀請放下所有工作突然就前往義大利。

第七章  Floating

Satish Kumar 在 1967 年 11 月來到義大利,正好迎來 1968 年的學生運動。在這個章節中 Satish Kumar 也描述了他在歐洲各地的相關經歷,章節中段,他開了 80 天車從英國回到印度,然後又參與了印度的非暴力和土地改革運動。在章節最後,Satish Kumar 接受朋友邀請,在一個小村子旁的森林中居住,一住就是一年。

第八章  Mukti

這個章節描述 Satish Kumar 從印度又前往歐洲的緣由,在這個階段他也認識現在的妻子 June Mitchell,後來又因故必須定居在英國,並生下第一個小孩 Mukti,並接下 Resurgence & Ecologists 雜誌的編輯工作。

第九章  Maya

這個章節描述了 Satish Kumar 搬離城市,並和幾個朋友從事有機農耕的一些過程。同時,女兒 Maya 也出生。章節最後描述了他們選擇搬到 Hartland 的一些經過。

第十章  Hartland

這個章節描述了 Satish Kumar 一家搬到 Hartland 之後的生活。

第十一章  Small School

這個章節描述了 Satish Kumar 在 Hartland 創立小小學校(Small School)的經過。

第十二章  Pilgrimage: Iona
第十三章  Pilgrimage: Return

在 Satish Kumar 50 歲時,他展開另一次步行,這次是在英國境內。這兩個章節描述了相關歷程。

第十四章  Japan

在這個章節中,Satish Kumar 描述 1987 年時造訪日本的經驗。他也紀錄下拜訪福岡正信時的簡短對談。

第十五章  College

Satish Kumar 簡單回顧了創立舒馬赫學院的過程。

第十六章  Mount Kailas

1997 年九月,Satish Kumar 和妻子及友人一起拜訪西藏和岡仁波齊峰(Mount Kailas),這個章節描述了相關經驗。

第十七章  Influences

在這個章節,Satish Kumar 回顧了生命中對他產生影響的人事物,並指出甘地對於他的重要影響,同時重新闡述了甘地的十一條原則。

第十八章  Realization


2014年3月13日 星期四

3/25 Satish Kumar 在宜蘭

3/25 星期三下午 2:00 ~ 5:00,Satish Kumar 將會參加泰國米之神協會於宜蘭舉辦的活動,地點是羅東的 KKF 實驗田,地址是羅東鎮冬山鄉鹿安堆545巷口,如有問題可與邱錦和老師聯絡。


其他詳情請參考 2014 年 KKF 自然農法台灣工作坊網頁

2014年3月8日 星期六

土壤、靈魂與社會 (Soil, Soul and Society)

土壤、靈魂與社會,是 Satish Kumar 發展出來的一組概念,在不同的演講中他都闡述過相關意涵。去年三月他也以 SOIL, SOUL AND SOCIETY 為題,在 Resurgence & Ecologists 雜誌發表了一篇文章,這篇文章是他後續 TED 演講的主軸,也成為去年九月出版的新書的主題。

經過朋友米屋的協助,我們完成了這篇文章的翻譯初稿,放在這個部落格提供參考,希望讓更多朋友在參與演講前能夠更了解 Satish Kumar 的基本思想。也希望大家對翻譯內容提出建議,我們會即時修正。非常感謝。



Satish Kumar introduces the trinity that captures the essence of an eco-philosophy that cares about all life.
Satish Kumar 介紹了一組三位一體的概念,這組概念掌握了關心所有生命的生態哲學的本質。

Many historical movements in the world have three key words that express their spirit. During the French Revolution, for example, the key words were liberté, égalité, fraternité and in the American Declaration of Independence you find the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.


‘Liberté, égalité, fraternité’ is a very nice trinity but it is very human: human liberty, human fraternity, human equality. In the same way, in the Declaration of Independence, life is primarily human life, liberty is human liberty and happiness is human happiness. These words represent a more anthropocentric worldview. We have come to think that somehow human beings are at the centre of the universe. It is as if we are the most important species and that the Earth’s other species are all in our service. This is a very human-centred worldview.


But this worldview is no longer valid. Especially once we realise that we are utterly dependent on other species; we are not the rulers of the world, here to do what we like, but we have to take care of the other species because we are all made of each other, we are not separate, we are all related, we are members of one Earth community.


So we need a new trinity to replace those human-centred ones. (Even the trinity adopted by the New Age movement, ‘mind, body, spirit’, refers to the human mind, human body and human spirit.) We need a new trinity that is holistic and more inclusive, that embraces the entire planet Earth and not just the human species. We need a philosophy, a science, a religion and a legal system that will benefit all living beings, not just human beings.


So I propose a new trinity. And at the top of this trinity is the word ‘soil’, which represents the entire natural world. Without soil there is no food and without food there is no life, no trees, no forests. So soil represents life on Earth.


In our human-centred worldview, in our education systems, in our study of science and technology, we have come to think that soil simply means dirt, and that dirt means dirty. But dirt is not dirty: dirt is the source of life. Without dirt there is no life.


Soil, therefore, represents all natural life. And the fact that we are related to and dependent on the soil. We think food comes from the supermarket; we don’t grow food these days. If somebody grows food, we think: “Oh poor man, peasant, labourer; he is not educated so he has to grow food.” If you are educated then you don’t grow food. Growing food has no dignity. You sit at your computer and your food comes from some poor country. You don’t want to grow food because growing food is a sign of backwardness. If you are advanced, educated, rich, then you manufacture cars or televisions or computers or some other gadgets.


Growing food has become a sign of underdevelopment. The word ‘peasant’ itself has become a term of an insult. I want to change that. I want to say that we must touch the soil; we must put our hands into the soil. How many times do you touch your mobile phone every day? Maybe 100 times? How many times do you touch the soil? Hardly ever! I want to give dignity to peasants, to those who grow food, to farmers and gardeners.


Soil is so important, yet we have forgotten it. Yes, we humans are important too, but the human species is only one of the 7.8 million species on Earth. We are not the kings. We are not an imperial power and the Earth is not a human colony. At the moment we behave as if we can do what we like. We can cause global warming, we can change the climate, we can alter the soil, we can destroy the rainforests, we can overfish the oceans, we can interfere with seeds through genetic engineering. This attitude must change.


This is why I put the soil first. We are all part of this healthy web of life maintained by soil. It makes us humble; to be human is to be humble. The Latin word humus means soil. ‘Humid’, ‘human’, ‘humility’ and ‘humus’ all come from the same root. The soil is so fertile, yet humble. When humans lose humility they are no longer humans.

這也就是為什麼我將土壤放在首位。我們是這個健全的生命之網的一部分,而這個生命之網是由土壤所維繫的。這讓我們謙虛,成為人類(human)正意謂著謙遜(humble)。拉丁字裡的humus 就是土壤的意思,潮濕(humid)、謙遜(humility)和腐植質(humus)都來自同樣的字根。土壤是那麼豐饒但同時那麼謙遜。當人類失去謙遜,他們也不再是人類。

Once, the Buddha was sitting in meditation, with his right hand above the palm of the left hand, and someone came to him and asked: “Lord Buddha, you teach compassion, forgiveness, love and forbearance – from where did you learn all these wonderful qualities? Who is your teacher?” The Buddha lifted his right hand in the bhūmiśpara mudra, which means ‘touch the Earth’ posture. Pointing towards the soil, he said: “I learned my forgiveness, compassion, friendship, kindness and all the wonderful qualities of love, beauty, unity and generosity from the Earth.”

有一次,佛陀正在冥想,右手交疊在左手之上。一個人去見他並問到,「偉大的佛陀,你教導慈悲、寬恕、愛、和忍耐,那麼你是從哪裡學到所有這些美好的德性?」佛陀舉起他的右手結了一個 hūmiśpara 的手印,這是代表著「碰觸大地」的姿勢。佛陀指著土壤說到,「我從大地(earth)學會寬恕、慈悲、友誼、仁慈和愛、美、合作、慷慨所有這些德性。」

Do you know where the Buddha was enlightened? Sitting under a Bodhi tree. My mother used to say that Buddha only got enlightenment because he was sitting under a tree!


A tree has intrinsic value. That is, a tree is good not because it gives me food, wood, shade or aesthetic pleasure. No, the tree is good in and of itself, even if nobody goes and looks at it, even if nobody ever says: “Wow, look at those beautiful cherry blossoms!” Even if no one ever sees it, the tree will still blossom. This is divine grace appearing on the Earth. Trees, animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, worms, butterflies, honeybees – all creatures upon this Earth have intrinsic value. They have the right to be as they are, who they are, what they are. We talk about human rights, and that’s fine. But Nature also has rights. The trees have a right to exist. We have no right to cut them down without proper purpose. When we understand this, when we recognise the rights of the trees, of all Nature, then we are truly ecologists and have understood the meaning of the word ‘soil’.


The second word in my new trinity is ‘soul’, which sounds similar to ‘soil’. Soul is something we cannot see. The human body you can touch, hug, kiss and admire, but in order to touch your soul I have to close my eyes. It’s not something I can see. Everything – trees, animals, worms and humans – has a soul. Soil is the outer landscape, and soul, the inner landscape.


We need to take care of the soul, as we take care of the body. But we can only take care of the soul when we slow down. No computer. No car. No shopping. Just sit in your room with tea and flowers: elegantly simple, without clutter. Go into a room without noise, no mobile phone. Take time for yourself. Meditate on the fact that you represent the totality of the universe. There is nothing in the universe that is not in you, and there is nothing in you that is not in the universe. The universe is the macrocosm and you are the microcosm. You are earth, air, fire, water, imagination, creativity, consciousness, time and space – you have this all in your genes and in your cells. You are billions of years old. You have been recycled and recycled, again and again. You are a beautiful example of the total recycling principle of the universe.


So if you want to take care of the universe, you start with yourself. Care of the soul is for self-realisation. Meditation is for self-realisation. As is gardening. In mindful gardening you are in meditation. When you are cooking mindfully you are also in meditation because you are not just cooking to feed yourself or your family, you are cooking for self-realisation: taking care of yourself, being at ease with yourself, being happy with yourself, being fulfilled in yourself. Whoever I am, I am. Self-realisation will make you at ease with yourself. Everything you truly need and want is within you. You are capable of solving every problem in the world with your inner wisdom. Wisdom is a soul quality, as are generosity, love and friendship, unity and beauty.


You will discover that all you need is here: the air, fire, food, water, trees, soil, sun and sky. What more do you want? If you want more possessions and more clutter, it is because you have lost touch with your soul. That’s why your soul is hungry or empty. That emptiness will not be filled by computers, cars or mobile phones. Slow down and take care of your soul. Without a happy soul you are the poorest of the poor. Spiritual poverty is the greatest poverty, greater than any physical poverty. And as you take care of the soil, you take care of the soul. Your outer body is soil, and your inner being is soul. When you also take care of both you have self-realisation, you achieve wellbeing.


Caring for the soul has nothing to do with our ego. This is why we include the third word of our trinity: ‘society’. First and foremost, we are members of the Earth community. Then we are members of the human community.


I walked from India to America without money. When I came to the border between India and Pakistan – where three wars have been fought – I was joined by 35 people who had come to say goodbye. One of them said: “At least take some food with you.” I said: “Thank you, but no thank you. I’m going for peace. And peace begins with trust. These packets of food are not packets of food, they are packets of mistrust. What would I tell my Pakistani hosts? That I did not trust them to feed me.”


My friend began to cry. I said: “Why are you crying, my friend?” she replied: “Satish, this might be our last meeting. I may never see you again. You are going to Muslim countries, Christian countries, capitalist countries, communist countries, mountains, jungles, deserts, snow. No money, no food. Walking. How are you going to survive?” At that moment, I said: “My friend, from today I’m not afraid of death. If I die while walking for peace, then that is the best kind of death I can have. And I’m not afraid of hunger. If I don’t get food, I’ll say this is my opportunity to fast.”


Then I walked into Pakistan, and to my astonishment there was someone on the other side of the border waiting. He said: “Are you the man who is coming to Pakistan for peace?” I was surprised. “How do you know?” I asked. He said: “I read about you. And I thought that if you are coming for peace, then I should welcome you. This war between India and Pakistan is complete nonsense.”


At that moment, I realised the unity of the human family. If we come here as Indians then we will meet Pakistanis. If we come here as Hindus then we will meet Muslims. But if we come here as human beings, then we meet human beings. This way I was able to rise above my narrow identity and identify myself instead with all of human society.


Mahatma Gandhi said that there is enough in the world for everybody’s need but not enough for anybody’s greed. At the moment, 1% of the population is greedy, while 99% are suffering. This 1% wants to be the superpower. But we need to embrace all of society. We need to solve social problems of poverty and wars with imagination and creativity, forgiveness. How much can you give? How much can you take? All problems can be solved by negotiation, friendship, giving in, letting go of ego and going into eco. Eco means home, eco means relationships. Let us make a shift from ego to eco, from self interest to mutual interest of whole human society.


If we can have a holistic view of soil, soul and society, if we can understand the interdependence of all living beings, and understand that all living creatures – from trees to worms to humans – depend on each other, then we can live in harmony with ourselves, with other people and with Nature.


2014年3月6日 星期四

Satish Kumar 談年輕時的和平步行

底下的影片是 Satish Kumar 在 Marion Institute 的一個公開演講。
雖然演講的主題是 Soil, Soul & Society,
所以 Satish Kumar 花了大部分的時間在分享和平步行的源起及經驗,
非常生動且具有啟發性,可以做為了解 Satish Kumar 的第一步。

不過可以使用 Youtube 的自動翻譯功能,

點選播放影片後,在右下方有一個 "captions" 的選項,
點選之後,選擇 "on",就會自動產生英文字幕。

2014年3月5日 星期三

Satish Kumar 演講海報

香港與 Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar 曾經四度造訪香港,也留下珍貴的演講紀錄。


是 Satish Kumar 這幾年來關注的焦點:


Holistic Education: Learning with Your Whole Being

Future of Food: Eat Like it Matters


多元整體經濟 ─ 怎樣積聚真正的財富
Holistic Economics: How to Maximize your True Wealth


How to Feed the Planet - A Talk by Satish Kumar on Sustainability

3/26 【永續的小而美論壇】


3/26 【永續的小而美論壇】已開放報名,




The sustainability of Small is Beautiful
─ 英國舒馬赫學院 Satish Kumar 博士訪台系列講座

與談人:彭明輝(台灣農陣自由學者)、Daycha(泰國 KKF 基金會)







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英國舒馬赫學院以小而美的永續科學,贏得全球關注。創辦舒馬赫學院的Satish Kumar,不僅於1960年代以雙腳,不帶一毛錢完成莫斯科、巴黎、倫敦、華盛頓DC,東京的「和平之旅」。又以全人教育(holistic education),以及3S(soi、society、soul)企圖讓我們有清晰的路線可尋。

Satish Kumar在他年僅九歲時即從世間出離,成為男性耆那教僧侶的成員。在18歲時,其內在的聲音告訴他要離開這條原本的道路。於是他加入土地改革的陣營,致力於實現甘地復甦印度的願景。之後受到伯特蘭·羅素前例的鼓舞,他開始了8000哩的和平旅程,從印度未帶盤纏的徒步走到美洲,途中經過高山、沙漠,也遇過暴風與大雪。期間他在法國遇到牢獄之災,在美洲經歷被上膛槍指著的險境,最後終於成功將禮物- 「和平茶」送給了當時四位核能領導者。1973年時他在英格蘭定居,並擔任Resurgence magazine期刊的編輯,成為許多深層生態學與教育的導引之光。依循印度傳統,Satish Kumar在人生的第50個年頭開始了另一個朝聖之旅,此次也是不帶分毫的徒步走訪大不列顛島至格拉斯頓伯里(Glastonbury) Lindisfarne與Lona的聖地。
全書筆觸簡樸具洞察力的《無終》(No Destination)為其卓絕的一生令人振奮之傳記。

泰國米之神基金會 KKF 的 Daycha 先生,從2011年來臺灣環島後,及愛上臺灣,且往後在陳瑞芳女士的熱情邀訪,每年都來臺灣,2014年亦不例外。
Daycha 先生在羅東曾感性的說過:我相信我來到這個地球上有很多「世」,其中一定有好多世我當過中國人,因為那感覺非常熟悉,在這一世我是半個中國人。我原來的家族姓是「李」。李在中國是 一個大姓,老子也是姓李,老子是一位非常優秀的人,我很高興我也姓李, 因為我也是中國人,所以才會來到台灣,我相信我還會來許多次。
當我們在這一世有這個因緣聚在一起,是為了完成更長遠的目標"人類美好的未來"「good things」,不是為「我們自己」,而是為了「我們的國家」 及「我們的大自然」,基於這樣的"人類美好未來"的更高標的「good things」,我們才會聚在一起成為工作夥伴。






2014年3月4日 星期二

Satish Kumar 的兩段 TED 影片

Satish Kumar 去年和前年在 TED 論壇上的兩段演講影片,


# 每個時代有他們的理念,通常用三個辭代表。Satish Kumar 提出永續時代 (age of sustainability) 的三個理念:土壤、靈魂、社會 (soil ,soul , society)

# 土壤擺在最開頭,因為我們都忘了,我們來自土壤,我們也會回到土壤。對 Satish Kumar 來說,土壤也代表了整個自然世界。

# 我們不是自然世界的統治者,我們就是自然 (we are nature),所以,我們對自然所做的一切,就是我們對自己所做的行為。(what we do to nature, we do to ourselves)

# 地球是具有靈性的 (earth is soulful),我們也是具有靈性的 (we are soulful)。所以照顧地球和照顧我們的心靈是相互關聯的,無法照顧好自己的心靈,就無法照顧土壤和地球。

# 我們的靈性正在沉睡 (dormant),Satish Kumar 用了一個比喻,有個印度哲學家曾對他說,藝術家不是一種特別的人,但是每個人都是一種特別的藝術家。(artist is not a special kind of person, but every person is a special kind of artist),也就是說,每個人都有潛力成為一位偉大的領袖,成為甘地、甚至成為佛陀。

# 我們都太專注在我們狹小的認同中。Satish Kumar 提到他徒步八千里時,他沒有設想自己是任何身份,只把自己當作一個「人」,要去見其他「人」。(I am going to go as human being and meet human beings)

# 當我們擁有一個大的視野,我就能夠欣賞各種「差異」(diversity)。

# 我們也需要各種「差異」,沒有差異就沒有聯合 (without diversity there is no unity)。但是差異不是分別。(diversity is not divisions)

# 遊客:總是抱怨。朝聖者:總是慶祝。(tourist: also complain; pilgrim: also celebrate)

# 因為有你,才有我。(you are therefore I am; earth is therefore I am)

# 讓我們潛在的領導力重生 (resurge)。

# 如同甘地所說,成為那個你想要看見的改變 (be the change you want to be in the world),讓身體和語言可以合一 (integrity of body and word),然後才有力量去溝通。

# 自然是慷慨的、沒有歧視的。

# 自然就是自然。


# 從在倫敦政經學院演講時的經驗,提到經濟學(economy)和生態學(ecology)的關係。兩個英文字的字源都是「家」,指的不僅是個人生活的家庭,也是整個世界。生態學指的是對於這個「家」的「知識」,經濟學指的是「管理」。

# 提到在不丹的經驗,他們提倡 Gross National Happiness。

# 我們要教育學生「如何生活」(how to live)、「如何快樂」(how to be happy)

# 大學畢業後,不要尋找一個工作,要去創造一個工作。

# 勞動者的尊嚴。(dignity of manual work)

# 要教育年輕人去創造事物。(to teach young people to create things)

# 教育年輕人如何感受我們的心。(teach young people how to feel our hearts)

# Satish Kumar 提到在他創立的小小學校(The Small School),廚房就是教室,學各種知識之前,先學會如何做麵包。

# 「自然」是比「佛陀」更偉大的導師

2014年3月3日 星期一

Satish Kumar 來台訪問


社會運動家、和平朝聖者 Satish Kumar 來台訪問

薩提斯.庫瑪(Satish Kumar):

2014年3月,我們延續過去探索永續的理路,邀請英國舒馬赫學院(Schumacher College)的Satish Kumar來台訪問。英國舒馬赫學院以小而美的永續科學,贏得全球關注。近年來負責舒馬赫學院的Satish Kumar,不僅於1960年代以雙腳,不帶一毛錢完成莫斯科、巴黎、倫敦、華盛頓DC、東京的「和平之旅」。又以全人教育(holistic education),以及3S(soil, soul, society) 讓我們在前往永續的路上,有清晰的路線可循。

Satish Kumar在他年僅九歲時即從世間出離,成為男性耆那教僧侶的成員。在18歲時,其內在的聲音告訴他要離開這條原本的道路。於是他加入土地改革的陣營,致力於實現甘地復甦印度的願景。之後受到伯特蘭·羅素前例的鼓舞,他開始了8000哩的和平旅程, 從印度未帶盤纏的徒步走到美洲,途中經過高山、沙漠,也遇過暴風與大雪。期間他在法國遇到牢獄之災,在美洲經歷被上膛槍指著的險境,最後終於成功將禮物- 「和平茶」送給了當時四位核武領導者。

1973年時他在英格蘭定居,並擔任Resurgence & Ecologist雜誌的編輯,成為許多精神生態學與教育性投資幕後的導引之光。依循印度傳統,Satish Kumar在人生的第50個年頭開始了另一個朝聖之旅,此次也是不帶分毫的徒步走訪大不列顛島至格拉斯頓伯里(Glastonbury) Lindisfarne與Lona的聖地。

我們可以從很多面向理解 Satish Kumar 的思想。一方面他長年擔任舒馬赫學院院長,對於整體性的永續思想和適當科技都有深入瞭解;另外,他曾經進行八千哩和平朝聖,也是國際間提倡和平的精神領袖;再者,近年來他提出3S理論,這指的是 Soil、Soul、Society,去年二月,他也和 Vandana Shiva 針對相關議題進行了精彩的對談;相對於3S理論的是Satish Kumar對於教育的3H理念,(Hands、Hearts、Heads),這樣的理念也具體展現在他早年協助創立的The Small School,一個著名的全人教育學校;最後,他也是一個生態學家,並參與拍攝過一部生態記錄片【地球朝聖】。

【地球朝聖】曾經在2012台灣野望國際自然影展播放,影展網頁對於他和影片的介紹是這樣的:薩提斯‧庫瑪(Satish Kumar) 是印度一位世界知名的和平朝聖者,同時也是位生態學家,他走進英國達特穆爾(Dartmoor),在季節變換中享受古老又空靈的景色。影片就像是一位「沼澤中的沉思者」,經由薩提斯‧庫瑪詩情畫意的眼光,照亮神聖的森林、河水及野生動物。

相較於Satish Kumar廣泛且深具影響力的思想,台灣社會對他的認識卻還很少,這也是我們極力邀請Satish Kumar來台訪問的原因。Satish Kumar預計3/24晚上在中興大學,3/25下午在羅東,3/26晚上在台大皆有公開的演講,對於Satish Kumar的更多介紹、詳細演講行程以及報名方式都請參考:http://satish-taiwan.blogspot.tw/